First Lesson

Hi everyone,

How did everyones first lesson go? I felt mine went pretty smoothly. The subject I taught was math and we focussed on translate, reflect and rotate. I incorporated ICT in my lesson by introducing the topic with a catchy YoutTube clip that the kids just went wild for. It was the song gangnam style but with the lyrics changed to transformation style. You can watch the clip HERE . I received very detailed written feedback from my mentor which has helped me develop my lesson plans going forward.

It takes me a while to plan my lessons and now we are expected to teach more in a day I have to say I am feeling pretty weary! Saturday night and in bed by 7:00pm for me!

All for now,

Kirby 🙂

First Week

Hi everyone,

So I have already completed my first week of prac and the time just flew! I have been placed in a composite year 4-5 class and they are great class to work with. Like Miss W I am blessed that I have to deal with minimal behaviour management and just get to teach! I couldn’t believe how much content my mentor was able to get through in one day compared to previous prac placements I have been on. I also get to work in with the HPE teacher a couple of days a week which is great because HPE is what I am specialising in. I am looking forward to what is install for me next week.

All for now,

Kirby 🙂

How much screen time?

Hi everyone,

Now that technology is constantly evolving and we are in front of computers, phones, tablets and televisions more then ever before, the question that is being asked is what is the impact of screen time? Before I started uni I was working as an administration officer for an accounting firm and spent 8:00 to 5:00 in front of a computer and on lunch breaks I was most of the time scrolling social media sites on my phone. My screen time hours since starting full time uni hasn’t changed much since working full time, however being more flexible now I take regular breaks away from the screen.

I looked after my 3 year old nephew last weekend and his daily routine seems to rely on screen time. He knows as soon as he wakes the television must come on and knows exactly what time of day he is allowed to use the iPad. Placing a screen in front of him just seemed to convenient us as he stopped what he was doing immediately and stared at the screen with a vacant expression while we could what we needed done. I agree with this article that a balance needs to be found with the amount of on screen and off screen time we have in our day, however this is easy to be said then done.

All for now,

Kirby 🙂


Scary Stories

Hi everyone,

Wow! What an eye opener week 10s scary stories books have been. I am so naive when it comes to internet safety and carry the attitude that these things like identify theft cannot happen to me. I have since checked and double checked my Facebook and Instagram settings are set to private. I have also stuck a piece of blue tack over my mac laptops camera that stares at me all the time. The story on the girl who got sent pregnancy promotional material form target was particularly scary to think that companies are keeping track on what you search and are buying. I found the short movie from taking the lollipop from the stranger very confronting and was a good reminder to not over share on the internet. If you have Facebook you can check the movie out by clicking HERE. Beware though it is an eye opener.

All for now,

Kirby 🙂

Digital Citizenship

Hi Everyone,

In week 1o we were asked to reflect on our digital citizenship. Before this course I had never blogged and used social bookmarking before so I guess I can say my use of ICTs have expanded, however I have had social media accounts in Facebook and Instagram before I took on this subject. I haven’t ever been a victim of scams or cyber bullying but have a fair idea on what they are however I am  unsure of what phishing is.

Bullying quiz results: I scored 2/4. I found it surprising that offline bullying was still the most common form of bullying as I thought with majority teenagers having mobile phones and ease to internet access that cyber bullying would be the most common form.

Cyber Smart Kids Quiz results: I scored 22/25. I found some of the answers confusing as they could have been either or and I have to admit like claudz75 I forgot that it was designed for primary students and answered 1 or 2 incorrectly.

From these results it appears I am not as well informed as I thought about using ICT safely, responsibly an ethically and will need to take some steps to expand my knowledge.

All for now,

Kirby 🙂

Authentic Learning Environments

Hi everyone,

In week 9 we are looking at using the TIP model to plan ICT-enriched lessons. Herrington and Kervin (2007) believe the most effective use of ICTs occurs when used as cognitive tools used by students to solve complex and authentic problems.To aid this process, they provide characteristics of authentic learning environments that can be used to help in thinking, planning and implementation of authentic learning. We were asked to pick 1 of the principles and read more about it HERE. I chose to look at collaboration…..

“authentic learning environments allow opportunities for much of the time for students to work in small groups or pairs. Such an arrangement allows students to “put their heads together” on problems, and to fully articulate their progress as they go about the task”.

All for now,

Kirby 🙂



Hi everyone,

So I have check Inplace and I now know where I will be attending my prac placement and decided to have a ramble on how I feel like Tahnee has done on her blog. I am excited and anxious about beginning my prac in a little over a week. I am especially anxious that we are to include 5 ICT enriched lessons that we teach on prac into our assignment 3. I am unsure if my context will be in HPE as this is what I am specialising in or if I will be in the classroom. I am much more comfortable teaching HPE, however, I feel it will be more of a challenge incorporating ICT in my lessons. If you are teaching HPE on your prac it would be great to hear how your planning is going.

All for now,


What I know about lesson planning…

Hi everyone,

During week 9 study we were asked to reflect and share on what we already know about lesson planning. I enjoyed reading tturner96 blog post on her reflection on lesson planning. This is what I had shared to this weeks forum:

– What do I want the students to learn from this lesson?

– Think of the resources I will require for this lesson – do I have access to these?

– How will I introduce the lesson?

– Decide on teaching methods for the lesson

– Ensure I have written instructions for these methods

– Determine how students will practice the skill I have taught

– Ensure I have listed instructions on how students will practice these skills

– Ensure time at the end of the lesson for reflection and questioning

– Reflect on the lessons success

All for now,


PCK and designing learning

Hi Everyone,

So I have been giving some thought to designing learning and the role that ICT might play within my unit plan. I have started developing my PCK for the content area chosen which is  year 5 HPE by going online which was suggested in one of our course booklets. I went to trusty google and did a quick search for Health and Physical Education pedagogical content knowledge and led me to the Nestle Healthy Active Kids site which has given me some great ideas to begin designing learning for my unit plan.

I would love to hear from anyone else specialising in HPE and has chosen HPE as your content area for Assessment 2 and how you are incorporating ICT into their unit plans.

All for now,




Making a Start on Assessment 2

Hi Everyone,

So I have made a start! I feel I have established my somewhere. I am specialising in HPE so have decided to base my unit plan on year 5 HPE like TTurner96 . I have chosen my content descriptors from the Australian Curriculum which includes a descriptor from constructing knowledge and one from transforming knowledge. They are:

Constructing Knowledge: Investigate community resources and ways to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS053)

Transforming Knowledge: Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (ACPPS054)

My unit name at this stage is: Healthy You Healthy Me.

I am in the middle of identifying my curriculum for my objectives.

Wish me luck.